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I’m Rachel, a fifth year medic who coincidentally was diagnosed with cancer in my second year at Edinburgh. This year I will be dancing in one of Reveal’s moderate dances (Maneaters) in support of Teenage Cancer Trust and all of the incredible support they have provided for me and all other young people facing cancer.


I was diagnosed with tongue cancer (who even knew that was a thing?) at 19 years old during COVID. After a year of increasing fatigued, breaking out in rashes and non resolving tongue ulcers to the point where it had become misshapen, I was finally referred for a biopsy - two days before exams! Soon after I found myself in my soon-to-be surgeons office diagnosed with an advanced cancer and scheduling a 16 hour surgery for the next month. A harrowing experience with Christmas looming exactly one week later.



When you’re a teenager you’re developing your sense of identity and self then cancer comes along and it’s tumultuous. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy contributed to this but my TCT nurse Fiona and support co-ordinator Nicola were fundamental to maintaining my sanity. Visiting me in the paradise of St Johns Hospital when visitors (even my parents) weren’t allowed. Providing consistency, stability and positivity in a time which could have only otherwise been detrimental.


That kind of personalised care is invaluable but unfortunately is dependent on donations to the Teenage Cancer Trust - so please donate to support young people facing life changing diagnoses like my own - stop cancer destroying teenage lives.

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© 2035 by Edinburgh Medics' Reveal
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